Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Grocery Story Trump

I always get some kind of comment at the grocery store. It never fails. It usually has something to do with the amount of groceries, but not this time.

Today's question trumped them all.

"Are you interested in using our senior citizen's discount?"


If I were a swearing woman . . .

My answer, "I might LOOK like it today, but no thank you."

Mortification. Then, I looked at my expanse of groceries: six packs of spaghetti, eight cans of spaghetti sauce, three bulk packs of Top Ramen, etc, and thought about the movie Bridget Jones' Diary (which, of course I don't recommend but secretly like anyway) where she writes about eating herself to death and being found in her home being eaten by wild dogs, or something like that. Anyway, my point is I was mortified!

Next time, I'm maybe getting a little more prettied up to go to the grocery store. Today, I ran out without make-up, my hair in a pony tail, wearing my hokey Wal-Mart shirt, comfy yellow capris and Mom shoes with ankle socks. I was not looking all that sassy.

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