I subbed at Newnan High School yesterday. I was a math teacher this time -- advanced algebra & trig -- which just gets more and more ironic the longer I sub. I get a big kick out of subbing in these higher level classes. Kids were asking me questions and I'd preface it with a "don't quote me, but I think it's . . . " At least I had an idea of an answer!'
Then, this morning, once again I made the trek to downtown Atlanta, this time for a dispatcher's test. We were given three hours, just like the office assistant test last week, but unlike last week, I used every single second of those three hours. It wasn't a hard test, but it was very detailed. I think I did okay. I got a chance to finish it and even go over some of the main sections that were a little iffy the first go-around. There were only about six or seven other people taking the test, so I might even have a shot at this job.
I also applied for five jobs at Home Depot. I applied there last year, too, but heard nothing. Which didn't really surprise me since last year's job search was endlessly non-productive. This time, though, one of my friend's from Bible study told me that her husband is at Home Depot and will put in a good word for me. Now we're talking!
I haven't given up on the teaching job, though. It is my goal. I'm in countdown for the big test on the 25th. It's going to be a doozy! I just ordered some flashcards to help out a little. I've been studying from the on-line test prep stuff, but the test prep stuff is pretty abysmal. It doesn't help that I have my own views on classroom procedure from homeschooling that don't always coincide with public school views.
Tonight is Wednesday night church. I'm not ready for my GA class tonight like I usually am. I've been swamped with life. My saving grace is that I've been in God's word much more regularly for the last month. I love the verse that I got from Mary Blaustone's blog (she's in my favorites). I told her I'd steal it . . .
When in distress, just dial 911 . . . Psalm 91:1, that is.“
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
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11 months ago
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