So Keri Lynn came home yesterday and I asked her about her Algebra class and the fallout from the cheating. As it turns out, people complained about the noise level coming from that class on Friday, so much so that the PRINCIPAL came to give them all a talk. After that, the teacher passed out the graded quizzes, remarking about how everyone seemed to have done better with this go around. No clue. No idea of the drama that went on. Sigh.
The washer repair guy came at 10:30 and was here for maybe 20 minutes. Is the washing machine repaired? OF COURSE NOT! Why should it be repaired? It needs a new engine that, of course, needs to be ordered. Does it matter that the error message suggested a problem with the engine? Nope. Would the repairman have a engine in his handy truck? Nope. Will it take at least two days, but more likely a week, to get this engine? Yep. Am a ready to go cry in a corner? Yep.
So, I'm feeling a little sorry for myself right now. My muscles ache from hauling around laundry to the neighbor's all day Labor Day, and now I'm going to need to do that some more. I really really really would like a car now. I'm missing it. And I missed Bible study today. There is no one to watch the kids. Because of legalities, the church would need to fund a separate room and two childcare workers. Essentially it's up to me to figure out how to get a babysitter -- I'm going to start asking around the neighborhood for anyone who might like to swap babysitting since paying for someone is out of the question right now. I don't think we're going to make it to Wednesday night stuff tonight either because the car we've been borrowing is probably going to be unavailable. This is actually going to end up relieving two of the school kids who are swamped with homework.
I need a nap.
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11 months ago
I'm so sorry your having a bad time. I'll be praying for you.
I am with Theresa...
BTW I had to go back and read i missed the cheating post...
Good for Keri Lynn and no surprise about the cheating permitted or the teacher feigning ignorance.
Tell her to stick to her guns...a goody goody or a brainer.
Rest and I will pray for you. There is a solution, wish I could be there to help
Theresa & Jennifer -- So sweet. Thank you for your supportive prayers. Even though we've never met, I count you as friends.
Oh, boy,
That's what happens when I don't read your blog for awhile.
Keri Lynn, I really don't know if the world appreciates the pure in heart, but they will come to remember your faith when times are tough. That is what you are there for. Who else will be the light in the dark? Who else will be the salt that keep the whole place from rotting? Or give it flavor?
And Jackie, ah, did you think mother hood had no trials at home?
My greatest temptation is to use the tongue God gave me to bless and use it to curse the poor differently blessed repairman or the phone center rep. OOooo Not nice!
As for taking Konnor to the store, I had to take Elliot once and my husband another time because I had shoulder surgery 3 weeks ago. (excuses,excuses) No 3 Musketeers bars but Spareribs and watermelon-respectively. Yummy, but they do the cutting and handling.
I think I need a new motor on by washer and dryer. Can't afford it though.
Maybe God is giving you an opportunity to slow down by not having a car. I know its aggravating, but take advantage of it while you can, life it too busy.
I am so sorry you are having such a hard time today but of your daughter you can be very proud. She is a blessing. The other things will work out, It may seems forever but in a week or so things will get easier again so I will pray God will give you the strength you need to see these days through and when they are that you will be stonger for the next things that come in to you life. That is what this is LIFE. Try to look at your blessing and the other will seems smaller that is a help I have found.I wish I could help you. connie from Texas
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