Thursday, July 12, 2007

Backyard Snakeskin . . . Ewwwwwww!

I love the two sets of expressions I got for these two pictures of the the snakeskin that the kids found in the backyard: worried, disgusted . . .

. . . to the more realistic expression: utterly gleeful! "Look, Mom, the snakeskin even has the head! You can see where the eyes were!" Great.

* Also note that there are no girls anywhere near this latest find.


Theresa's Notes said...

My son Jon would have LOVED to find something like that. He is my second son and I call him "my bug boy" because when something icky is in the house I call him to get rid of it ;-)

Jackie said...

My oldest son Kristofer is our bug boy! Thank God!

Pen of Jen said...

Girls duly noted absent, but all my boys would have been there and I would have taken the pic, from a distance with a zoom:(