A - Available/Single?
Um, no.
B - Best Friend?
My Sweetie-pie. One of the things I enjoy most about Keith is that we can talk about anything. When there is something troubling me, he's the one I'll want to talk to first. I love you, Keith!
C- Cake or Pie?
Cake, particularly wedding cake, with that glorious frosting!
D - Drink Of Choice?
Forget coffee. Cold caffeinated soda at breakfast. Currently, cherry-flavored cola. (I know, I know -- SO HEALTHY!)
E - Essential Item You Use Everyday?
My walkman that plays my books on tape. I LOVE that thing. I spend a lot of time trying to figure out where I put it down last? At the computer? By the phone? Where I keep my purse? Argh! Misplaced it again!
F - Favorite Color?
G - Gummy Bears or Worms?
That's a toughie. Bears, I guess.
H - Hometown?
I grew up as a missionary kid, so I never lived in one place for longer than two years. Even going through high school, college and early married life, I was always moving. The longest I've ever been in one place is our L.A. house for seven years, by far, the longest stay yet. Let's see what the Lord has in store for us here in Newnan!
I - Indulgence?
A massage. A pedicure. Dinner and a movie with Keith. Hours alone at the library. (It's so remarkably quiet there!)
J - January or February?
January, for the same reason I like Mondays -- a fresh start.
K - Kids?
Seven kids that teach me a lot about myself. Especially how selfish and obnoxious I can be when they mirror things that I do. Eek!
L - Life Is Incomplete Without?
God. The I AM.
M - Marriage Date?
July 16, 1988. Why does that sound like Ancient Times?
N- Number Of Siblings?
Two brothers, two sisters -- all of whom I beg to read this blog!
O - Oranges or Apples?
P - Phobias/Fears?
Being trapped in an earthquake and having a fire start and not be able to get to my kids. (Had to really hand that one over to the Lord, and thankfully, He took it!)
Q - Favorite Quote?
"Behold, I make all things new!"
R - Reason to Smile?
My family.
S - Season?
T – Tag?
Whoever wants to answer these questions.
U - Unknown Fact about Me?
Good grief! I talk about everything going on about me ad naseum.
V - Vegetable you don't like?
Beets (except cold in a salad -- then they're pretty and okay to eat), peas, lima beans, and (if too bitter) brussel sprouts.
W - Worst Habit?
Yelling at the kids when I'm the one who needs to go take a nap.
X - X-rays You've Had?
This question might explain a lot about me! 1) Brain for some weird thing I had as a child 2) Lungs (for possible pneumonia/bronchitis) 3) Breast (for what turned out to be a benign lump when I was 22), 4) broken middle finger 5) NECK (cracked vertebra -- that's right -- I technically broke my neck)
Y - Your Favorite Food?
Currently, El Charro #44, with the chips and salsa.
Z - Zodiac Sign?
What a waste of time! I'd rather study signs, wonders, prophecies in scripture.
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11 months ago
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