This will be front burner stuff. Lots has happened as usual, but I'll not spend too much time going over old news.
First off, I'm an aunt again! Congratulations to my brother Danny and his wife Jessica. They now have a baby girl -- Danica Joy, born on Friday. Her pictures are so cute. I wish I could be there to hold her. But maybe it's best that I'm not since I've got this lingering cough that doesn't want to go away. I'm full of a ton of advice, though, Danny, should you ever need any.
I'm on a mission to get back to walking. I walked yesterday with Keith and today by myself. My goal is to walk four days a week, at least 30 minutes at a time -- Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. So far, I've walked twice. I'm going to record each time I walk on Facebook and see if I can get any exercise buddies.
My foray back into exercise has less to do with the new year than it does that I'm tired of being tired. I have finally shaken my cough and I'm very lowwwwwww on energy. I got to thinking that I've been low on energy for too long. So back in the saddle I go. Yesterday's walk left me sore, even as pathetic as it was, but it also left me with more energy today that I've had in a while. Just that little bit made the difference especially in that sleepy afternoon stretch.
So get ready for some exercise updates. Today is Walk #2. Exiting update, huh.
On other news, I completed another GACE test on Saturday. I dragged my tired self to the test, about a 30 minute drive, and slugged my tired brain through four hours of questions on Special Education. I don't feel very good about it, but then I didn't feel very good about the pedagogy test either and passed that one. So I'm feeling hopeful! If I pass that test, it puts me in a position to apply for a teaching job. I am very excited about it.
Meanwhile, I continue to sub in a self-contained special ed. class. I'm scheduled through the month of January. Hopefully, I'll go through the end of the year in that class, but I don't know for sure. It has been really nice to go to the same place every weekday and work with the same people. The kids are great. Each of them have a piece of my heart.
My own kids just keep getting bigger and bigger. I don't know for sure because we haven't had time to breath lately, but I'm pretty sure Kristofer has gotten taller. And Kade and Konner had their birthdays. They are nine and eight, respectively. Older, more independent. Sigh.
We've got one of those crazy weekends coming up. Ginny King and her kids are coming for a visit. Keri Lynn, Kristofer and Kathleen will be gone for half of the weekend for choir festival, but Kristofer told me he'd set up his two game systems for the King kids with "specific instructions." I don't know anything about setting up the games, but Kade and Konner should be able to help me. : )
Because of the impending visit, the next few days are going to be nearly fruitless attempts at getting the house in better order. I've almost given up already. It just needs a good top to bottom scrubbing in which many Labrador hairs will be found.
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11 months ago
Remember that just because it's getting crazy is NOT a reason not to walk.
In fact, it's a reason to walk.
For me it's writing. If I write then no matter how badly the rest of the day goes, I can sit back and say "Yeah, but at least I wrote."
So I didn't walk today, but not because I was making up pathetic excuses. It's too cold! I wore my big red puffy coat (that makes me look like a giant Bob the Tomato) to the grocery store tonight and never took it off, even at the store. It is way too cold for me!
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