It's closing in on bed time and I am wiped out.
I slept in a little this morning because Keva was to go to her ophthalmology check-up. I thought it was at PAPP Clinic where we had her audiology appointment, but it turns out it was all the way on the other side of town. I figured this out when I looked up the doctor's information to make sure I was going to the right place. So, instead of having time to dress and feed Keva, suddenly I was in a mad panic to get us both out the door.
When I went into her room, I found Keva soaked through and through. Her bedroom reeked. So I gave her a multi baby-wipe wipe down, threw clothes on her and we headed off to her appointment. All the while, I was worried because I had not taken her to see an eye doctor in about seven years. (Procrastination at its best!)
Surprisingly, the doctor told me that she looks great! Imagine my surprise! I was expecting a whole laundry list of medical expenses to follow -- surgery, glasses, eye patches, follow-up appointments. Instead it was a $25 co-pay. Yippee!
Keith came home early today from his Delta job to rest. He did make a stop at Radio Shack on the way back to drool over some kind of weather radio. Then, he looked over the work Kristofer and Kathleen had done planting four of the baby maples in the back, then went to bed. Poor guy. It was my job to make sure Kody wasn't barking and the kids weren't making too much noise. Poor me!
We met a new neighbor at church tonight who moved into the brand new part of Phase 2. Of course, she has a six-year-old boy. That is the pre-requisite after all to move to Maple Creek. She also has a three-year-old girl.
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1 year ago
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