I had a nice time at the women's retreat. My only disappointment was that none of the ladies from my Sunday School class went, except for one who was in another group, so I didn't get to talk with her much. I was either at a table with a lot of young moms or hanging out with older ladies. It was still valuable, though. Each connection is important, especially in a church. And I'll be interested to see how these new relationships blossom.
I had some fun conversations with our very talented, no-nonsense church pianist, an energetic 78-year-old mother of six, two ladies who happen to both work in social services, a lady who literally lives down the street from us and is a very talented artist, another artist lady who specializes in horses and can do amazing quick portraits . . .
I'm amazed at how the Lord brings people together and calls us His church! He is good to us.
Evidently, my snoring wasn't too bad while on retreat, because no one commented on it the next morning and I didn't ask! It was for only one night anyway.
On the retreat, I ate like there was no tomorrow. I do that when I'm on vacation or just out having a nice time. Fun = Food, I guess!
A neighbor girl came by today concerned because the little kids had been out with Kody and she saw Kody nipping at Konner. She then gave us some great pointers on how to train him to stop nipping. I think she's willing to come by occasionally and help us out. She has experience and a nicely behaved dog that Kody likes to play with. Kristofer has been praying for her brother James -- for salvation. We could also pray for her as well. Tiffany.
I've been busy getting the house back into a semblance of order after the busy weekend. Keri Lynn did a great job of babysitting Friday night for me while I was gone -- Keith doesn't come home until 1:00 or 2:00 on week nights. So when I came home Saturday afternoon with dishes done and the house still standing, she said, "You don't have to pay me for babysitting (she's getting used to getting babysitting money again these days!), but you can take me out to El Charro's for dinner tonight!" So we went out to our favorite Mexican restaurant while Keith watched the rest of the kids.
The temperature has changed nearly overnight. Leaves are turning color and falling. Kids are wearing jackets and SHOES when they go outside. We've switched from air conditioning to heating! Gas prices, here we come! Ack!
Today, I spent most of the day catching up on bills, laundry and general cleaning. I battled my vacuum cleaner today for about an hour trying to clean out a plugged up spot. As it turns out, a bent nail got caught up right in the middle of the hose and was clogging the system. I could just reach it with one of my long knitting needles. The vacuum cleaner still sounds like it's going through the death throws of emphysema, but at least it's working again.
I need to go make dinner now because the minions are rioting. I'm going to try to make my own beef stroganoff. Sounds yummy to me tonight. First, though, I guess I need to go clean up a pee mess in the dining room. Sigh.
Later . . .
Not only did I clean the pee mess but a vomit mess. Kristofer hosed off the bottom of Kody's crate where he'd upchucked and I got out the faithful steam cleaner AGAIN. That dog! I feel like the Skipper on Gilligan's Island, "Gi-li-gan!" This all exploded (literally) when I was making dinner. Blick!
And now I'm just tired and ready to go to bed but I still need to finish some laundry or Keith is going to work naked tomorrow. The kids all took baths, even Keva, which means I'll undoubtedly be changing a stinky diaper for Keva some time tonight. She always "does her doody" when she's had a nice warm bath. (I apologize to all my queasy readers!)
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1 year ago
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