Back at the library typing this -- Snitching a little school time away.
This week has been catch up on medical stuff week.
Friday -- I found a good doctor right here in Newnan that seems to be interested in my medical needs!
Monday -- Took Keva, Kade and Konner in for overdue well checks. From that visit, got appointments set up for audiology for Keva and Konner, cardiology check-up for Keva, and opthmology check-up for Keva. (Sometimes I think I should have gone into medical school.)
Tuesday -- Blood work for me to check on low potassium level. Wouldn't you know it, but I also had just started suffering from a UTI, so I got to go in to the lab again! So fun!
Wednesday -- (That's this morning) Just took Keri Lynn, Kristofer, Kathleen and Kylie for their well-checks. All is well. Doctor's pronouncement: Everyone is growing well. Kids are all tall and skinny, except for Kylie who is at 10% for both heighth and weight, and that was within normal limits. She's always been the runt of the family -- but a cute one, mind you!
Thursday -- I'm going in for a upper GI to check for a problem I've been having with swallowing food. I suspect it's a hiatal hernia. Thank goodness I don't have to do what my Dad had to do with his hiatal hernia -- huge incision across his stomach. These days, these type of hernias are just left alone.
Friday -- I think happens to be a non-medical day! Whew!
Keith is doing well with his job. He's looking more and more fit every day. It's hard come about mid week when sleep deprivation becomes and issue, but he's gradually getting used to it. The extra income is coming at a really good time with all the medical fun we've been having as well as the usual beginning of school expenses.
All of the kids are doing really well with school. Keri Lynn and I came up with a system for getting the DVD school work done efficiently. She has been doing five to seven lessons of math every day as well as a lesson of Spanish. Kristofer is finishing up his history (which he adores) and working on his math as well. At the beginning of the day, we all have Bible time, and then have a general history lesson and then flashcards for math, geography, or whatever needs to be worked on. I take this time to go over spelling, too.
To feel this good about school in our third week is a big accomplishment for us (or rather for ME!) Typically, I get very excited about school BEFORE we actually are IN school. Then, when we actually get started, I tend to get depressed that we're not meeting my expectations. There's a different tone this year, especially I think because we've found a curriculum that works for us and we're learning how to use it to the best advantage.
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11 months ago
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